06 - Epic Struggle
13 comics.
079 – Box Office Mojo
Chapter: 06 - Epic Struggle
I won’t go to a costume party now and so shall it remain. Unless I’m dragged to one by a significant woman or a future former friend. Then I’ll probably do that thing where I wear regular clothes and claim[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
081 – Old Hollywood
Chapter: 06 - Epic Struggle
If we forget our history, we’re doomed to repeat it. That’s how we end up with another Full House and news about Fred Durst.
083 – Backstage Pass
Chapter: 06 - Epic Struggle
This is all actually a spruced up, remake of an old storyline nobody read back in 2007. The new version is more fleshed out with extra twists and turns and whatnot, but it’s basically the same plot. If you think[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…