Oh, I LIKE this dynamic! Fairly crackles, it does.
Winning him over’s not going to be easy.
Winning either of them over to whatever isn’t going to be easy. No matter what direction they go. This is an in-your-face situation whatever direction they point. This could be fun!
Oh, Kevin – salamanders aren’t scaly. They’re amphibians.
Kevin’s an engineer. He’s all about enthalpy and tensile strengths. Biology’s in a different building.
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Oh, I LIKE this dynamic! Fairly crackles, it does.
Winning him over’s not going to be easy.
Winning either of them over to whatever isn’t going to be easy. No matter what direction they go. This is an in-your-face situation whatever direction they point. This could be fun!
Oh, Kevin – salamanders aren’t scaly. They’re amphibians.
Kevin’s an engineer. He’s all about enthalpy and tensile strengths. Biology’s in a different building.