I am so digging the back stories of the re-boot. You put in work, Cory. Ann and Andy, huh? Only heard about J & J from an article on Stuart Scott. Rarefied air up there…
Although I enjoy them all, Dana is my favorite, so her back story is sooo much fun for me to see! And yeah, expressions only rivaled by your color schemes, sir. Always fabulous.
Throwback Thursday I suppose.
You named this better than I did.
I am so digging the back stories of the re-boot. You put in work, Cory. Ann and Andy, huh? Only heard about J & J from an article on Stuart Scott. Rarefied air up there…
Never understood why Jack and Jill was named after two notorious failures.
It’s okay to struggle with carrying a pail. It’s *never* acceptable to be raggedy.
The facial expressions are just wonderful. You’re doing some great work here.
Thank you, sir. I know well what panic looks like.
This comic simply hums with metastory. I can’t wait to see what gets implied next.
Although I enjoy them all, Dana is my favorite, so her back story is sooo much fun for me to see! And yeah, expressions only rivaled by your color schemes, sir. Always fabulous.
Seems like ‘Dana’s my favorite’ is becoming a theme.
This is THE Robin? Well, that could explain a lot.
A colorful cast of characters. I couldn’t comment on the other page. I’m in Atlanta too. I’ll have to read some of the previous scripts.
Gaaah! I didn’t even NOTICE that that was Robin!
I guess I’m just on Team Dana. NTTAWWT.
Dana’s hairstyle makes me think of Lucy Van Pelt’s (just a little bit…)