I <3 Kev's midriff! (Also, your comic old and new, since I've never posted before!)
Gracias, jennpo. I hope to keep making WYH the Kevin’s midriff of comics.
Augh, poor Dana. Knowing they were married in the other strip is making this new world seem so… fraught. But exciting!
I’d say she’s been punished enough.
We didn’t start the fire!!!
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I <3 Kev's midriff! (Also, your comic old and new, since I've never posted before!)
Gracias, jennpo. I hope to keep making WYH the Kevin’s midriff of comics.
Augh, poor Dana. Knowing they were married in the other strip is making this new world seem so… fraught. But exciting!
I’d say she’s been punished enough.
We didn’t start the fire!!!